v10.2 [Jan 9, 2024]
- NEW: Added new options to tune the appearance of the Comments pane. Changes were made that make items more compact and to display comment text in a uniform style, and more. We also added other minor improvements to the pane's content appearance.
- NEW: Added an option to make comment popups on pages more compact. Look to Preferences > Commenting > Display compact comment popups.
Bugfixes and Improvements
- Fixed an issue where IE or MS Edge in 'IE Mode' became unresponsive when opening PDF files.
- Fixed an issue with restoring the last session when the application starts with a file argument (added an option to the Preferences/Documents).
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to get an incorrect bookmark root name when using drag&drop of files in the thumbnail panel.
- Fixed angle snapping for polyline/polygon tools. Holding the "Shift" key as a modifier limits the positioning of the line to pre-defined angles.
- Fixed "nudge object" moves with the Ctrl+Shift combination. Previously the Ctrl+Shift key combination was not responding, this has been corrected. (41259)
- Fixed issue with the undo/redo when adding checkmarks for comments.
- Fixed an issue with then Comments pane.
- Fixed an issue when 'checkmarking' comments when the UI language is set to something other than English.
- Fixed an issue with the comment popups on pages: in some cases they may become light grey, even for colored comments.
- Fixed an issue with resetting/importing settings after performing commands through the Quick Launch feature.
- Fixed an issue that was present only in some very rare cases that resulted invalid shading.
- In the Comments pane the ability to add/remove checkmarks and change status for multiple selected comments, rather than just one selected comment was restored.
- Improve the PRC model handling.
v6.0.322.7 [Mar 26, 2016]
- Added support for multiple page-backgrounds.
- The 'Add Watermarks' and 'Set Background' features now support password protected files.
- Added some additional options to the 'Combine Files' dialog.
- Added a feature to delete empty pages. (Menu/Document/Delete Pages).
- Added a feature allowing selection of content items by type from the context menu when the EditContent tool is active, or from the menu in the 'Content' pane).
- Added a feature to convert links from PDF when converting to Microsoft Word documents and PowerPoint Presentations.
- Added a feature to convert 'Underline' and 'StrikeOut' text from PDF when converting to Microsoft Word documents and PowerPoint Presentations.
- Added the ability to recognize and edit/copy the underline/strikeout text on pages.
- Added an option to auto-select newly created annotations.
- Added a feature to easily show/hide UI-panes.
- Added a feature to create new document tab/window. (Menu/Window/New Document Window).
- Added features to get/set RichText programmatically and to convert from RTF to XFA and back.
- Added an option to turn off comments semi-transparency when creating or editing.
- Added the ability to choose the type of documents navigation history: common - through all opened documents, or individual - per document (Menu/Edit/Preferences/Documents/OpenDocuments section).
- Fixed an issue with 'Select Multiple Annotations' holding the Ctrl key. (mouse cursor blinking).
- Added a 'Yes to All' save-option on message-dialogs when more than one documents have been changed and the user tries to close all of them at the same time.
- Sharepoint: added the ability to sign out for MS live login.
- Added a feature to remove a signatures' background.
- Improved the Contents Pane: context menu, Copy/Cut/Paste, Select/Deselect, Change Order of content items via Contents Pane
- Change Contents Order: multiple pages processing, minor improvements
- Added a feature to easily re-open recently closed documents (Menu/Window/Reopen Recently Closed Doc).
- GoogleDrive: the root folder now contains the "Shared with me" and "My Drive" folders.
- Added the ability to sort files in the Images-To-PDF, RTF-To-PDF and Text-To-PDF dialogs.
You can create, edit, convert, merge, watermark, compress and sign PDF files.